That is the most foul, cruel, and bad tempered rodent you ever set eyes on!
C'est le rongeur gâché le plus fétide, le plus cruel, et mauvais que vous placez jamais des yeux dessus !
C' is the most stinking wasted rodent, cruelest, and bad that you never place eyes above!
That's the most foul, cruel, and bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on!
A s 'r odiaeth budra , 'n addoer , a 'n ddrwg - nawseiddiedig rodent 'ch bob amser chyflea chreuau acha!
I go sound ' group very I dirty , ' heartburn sad , I go ' heartburn evil tempered rodent ' dogs always I place holes astride!
and that's the machine that goes Bing!
a a s 'r beiriant a goes Bing!
I go I go sound ' group machine I go leg Bing!
Oh, what sad times are these when passing ruffians can say Ni at will to old ladies.
Oh, welche traurigen Zeiten diese wenn sind, kann das Führen der Grobiane Ni zu den alten Damen nach Belieben sagen.
Oh, which sad times are these if, can say a leading of the Grobiane Ni to the old ladies as desired.
Cut down a tree with a herring? It can't be done.
gupitin itumba a punungkahoy kumuha a herring? ito can't maaari done.
snip down a tree withdraw a herring? it can't possible done.
I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough wiper. I fart in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.
I don' t wil aan u niet meer spreken, u de lege geleide wisser van de dierlijk voedseltrog. I fart in uw algemene richting. Uw moeder was een hamster en uw vaderspiering van vlierbessen.
I don' t wants no longer speak the empty conducted wiper of the animal food trough to you, you. I fart in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster and your father key ring of elder tree bays.
I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough wiper. I fart in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.
I don' tは愚かな動物食糧たらいワイパーあなたにこれ以上話したいと思わない。 私はあなたの大体の方向で屁をする。 あなたの母はelderberriesのハムスターそしてあなたの父のきゅうりうおだった。
I don' t above this we would like to speak in foolish animal food basin wiper you. I do the fart with your generally direction. Your mother was the cucumber fish of the hamster and your father of elderberries.
we are the knights who say ni!
]m 'r farchogion a ddeud ni!
^) smothered ' group knights I go say we!
Always be wary of the Software Engineer who carries a screwdriver.
Seja sempre cuidadoso da Software Engineer que carreg uma chave de fenda.
Either always careful of the Engineer Software that carreg a crack key.
My computer goes down on me more often than my girlfriend.
Mein Computer geht unten auf mich häufig als meine Freundin.
My computer goes down on me frequently as my friend.