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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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Say hello to my little friend
« Korean »
나의 작은 친구에게 안부를 전하십시오
Me in small friend something to say Hello
scratch: the ultimate DJ
« Korean »
찰상: 궁극적인 DJ
Scratch: DJ where is ultimate
your poop smells horrible
« Korean »
당신의 고물은 무섭게 냄새맡는다
Your second-hand article sniff horribly,
Scratch: The Ultimate DJ
« Russian »
Скрест: Типичный DJ
Scratch: Typical DJ
DJ Hero
« Dutch »
De Held van DJ
The hero of DJ
Your poop smells horrible
« Icelandic »
Þinn skutpallur lykta hryllilegur
Thy poop deck whiff terrible
Your poop smells horrible
« Japanese »
Smell does your stern fearfully
say hello to my little friend
« Turkish »
demek cehennem -e doğru benim küçük arkadaş
say hell had straight my small companion
say hello to my little friend
« Icelandic »
segja halló til minn lítill vinur
say hallo to my small amigo
I don't like wine as much as I like milk
« Chinese (traditional) »
我don' 像酒的t,和我喜歡牛奶一样多
My don' Looks like the liquor t, likes the milk with me being equally many
Nice shirts like you!