My husband and I went for a brisk walk.
Férjem és Mentem részére egy fürge séta.
My husband and I went for one briskle deambulation.
i love you,you love me.we are a happy family
i love you, you love me.we ploughs happy family
eu te amo, você ama a família feliz das guilhotina de me.we
tchu bilu bilu tchu bilu bilau, deixa de frescura e pega no meu pau
tchu bilu bilu tchu bilu bilau, leaves of freshness and catches in my wood
bilau do bilu do tchu do bilu do bilu do tchu, folhas do frescor e prendedores em minha madeira
by Elton
bite me
сдержите меня
you will hold in control me
everyone dies, not everyone truly lives
tutto muore, non tutto allineare vite
all it dies, all not to align screw
Jovem cai da janela ao tentar retirar bandeira alemã
'n ieuanc chodymau chan 'r ffenest pryd yn ceisio at dynnu Almaenwr ddiffygia
' o jovem do heartburn cai com ' refeição da janela de grupo que procura puxar o alemão que eu falho
by Cardoso
I feel like my feet are about to burst into little shingles and roof a house with their pain.
I like my feet destruction intensity do approximately it is, in the small iron piece, attaching the roof to pain and the house feel.
damn i need to go there
I need to go there to die
I've missed the train and will now go drinking
I' veは列車を逃し、今飲むことを行く
I' ve lets escape the train, now drinking goes
The cake is a lie!
torta je laž!
cake had untruth!