I'll text you the results of the football match
I'll text vos praecessi of football compositus
I'll woven fabric you to go of football orderly
John Lennon rocks my socks
John Lennon hrid moj dokoljenka
John Lennon scar my sock
English to Croatian and back again
Engleski jezik to Hrvatski i leđa opet
English this Croatian plus caudal redistribute
So long, and thanks for all the fish.
Na taj način čeznuti , i hvala za svi riba.
To this mode yearn , plus thank you for everything all fish.
by ognjen
Once there was a time when all people believed in God, and the church ruled the earth. that time was called the dark ages...
Jedanput ima je vrijeme našto svi narod povjerovan in Bog , i Churchill isključen Zemlja. taj vrijeme je opozvao je neznanje.
Some time has a had time whereupon all people believed in Maker , plus Churchill switch it off World. this time had called off ignorance.
by Begzy
George Harrison is the best Beatle.
George Harrison est optimus Pello pepulli pulsum.
Agricultural Harrison is best To hit.
by Chris
By the way, I love to eat chicken.
Per via , EGO diligo essum pullus.
Very road , I to value highly to eat young.
I sent you a text message with that info
EGO sent vos a text nuntius per ut info
I sent you a woven fabric messenger very when to dig in
a rolling stone gathers no moss
pierre qui roule n'amasse pas mousse
hone which rolls n' do not pile up foam
by mark
Napastvujem ti sestru.
« Chinese (traditional) »
Napastvujem titanium sestru.
by Dare