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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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I'll text you the results of the football match
« Latin »
I'll text vos praecessi of football compositus
I'll woven fabric you to go of football orderly
John Lennon rocks my socks
« Croatian »
John Lennon hrid moj dokoljenka
John Lennon scar my sock
English to Croatian and back again
« Croatian »
Engleski jezik to Hrvatski i leđa opet
English this Croatian plus caudal redistribute
So long, and thanks for all the fish.
« Croatian »
Na taj način čeznuti , i hvala za svi riba.
To this mode yearn , plus thank you for everything all fish.
by ognjen
Once there was a time when all people believed in God, and the church ruled the earth. that time was called the dark ages...
« Croatian »
Jedanput ima je vrijeme našto svi narod povjerovan in Bog , i Churchill isključen Zemlja. taj vrijeme je opozvao je neznanje.
Some time has a had time whereupon all people believed in Maker , plus Churchill switch it off World. this time had called off ignorance.
by Begzy
George Harrison is the best Beatle.
« Latin »
George Harrison est optimus Pello pepulli pulsum.
Agricultural Harrison is best To hit.
by Chris
By the way, I love to eat chicken.
« Latin »
Per via , EGO diligo essum pullus.
Very road , I to value highly to eat young.
I sent you a text message with that info
« Latin »
EGO sent vos a text nuntius per ut info
I sent you a woven fabric messenger very when to dig in
a rolling stone gathers no moss
« French »
pierre qui roule n'amasse pas mousse
hone which rolls n' do not pile up foam
by mark
Napastvujem ti sestru.
« Chinese (traditional) »
Napastvujem titanium sestru.
by Dare
Nice shirts like you!