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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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You know you want it.
« Croatian »
Te znati koji želite Internet.
These know you want IT.
Alternative way of life.
« Croatian »
Izbor put od život.
A menu way with curriculum vitae.
Well, that's about it.
« Croatian »
Kvalitetno , taj o Internet.
Meeting high standards , this about IT.
What was that? I thought I heard something.
« Welsh »
Beth was a? Dybiais Chlywais rhywbeth.
Thing servant I go? I supposed I Heard something.
Life is not measured by the breaths you take but by the moments that take your breath away.
« Croatian »
Život nije odmjeren mimo dah te uzeti ali mimo tren taj uzeti tvoj dah daleko.
Curriculum vitae is not undemonstrative past whiffle these to take limit past wink this to take yours whiffle far away.
The hell is empty. All the devils are here.
« Japanese »
地獄は空である。 悪魔全員はここにいる。
The hell is the sky. As for demoniac everyone it is here.
The hell is empty. All the devils are here
« Japanese »
地獄は空である。 悪魔全員はここにいる
The hell is the sky. As for demoniac everyone it is here
Your baby is the cutest baby
« Croatian »
Tvoj dijete je oštrouman dijete
Yours youngster had long-headed youngster
Nobody’s perfect and since I’m nobody…
« Croatian »
Nitko savršen i otada I’m nitko
Nullify unblemished plus thence I’m nullify
by Marko I.
We're rocking with our cocks out
« Portuguese »
We' re balanço com nossas torneiras para fora
We' reverse speed rocking with our taps for is
Nice shirts like you!