i like to fuck cats. is that wrong? or sexy?
ja voljeti karati cats. je da izvrnut? ili seksi?
I like to scold cats. is that wrong? or sexy?
bungie's guide to rule the world through halo
le guide des bungie pour régner le monde par le halo
the guide of the bungie to reign the world by the halation
Na na, Sie werden doch hier nicht parken wollen?
« Chinese (traditional) »
Gleichwohl der Brunnen sehr gut ist, wünschen Sie nicht hier parken?
yo... la verdad... no entiendo nada!
I… 'r truth… gwna mo ddeall ddim!
I… ' ¡grupo que terminarían no entienden cualquier cosa!
algo un pelin picante
något pelin skarp
algo sostenido del pelin
Things fall apart. The center cannot hold.
Res dilabor. center cannot habitum.
Occurrence to break up. a fleet of a hundred ships cannot to have.
by Travis
I like to go out and murder small children
« Slovenian »
I like to go out and wilfully homicide wilfully murder tight children
Meet naughty women
대회 장난꾸러기 여자
Conference mischievous child woman
by garbageman44
surprise butt sex
« Japanese »
Bat characteristic of surprise
When the music is too noisy I cover my ears with my hands.
« Serbian »
When the fanfare 3. wis with IT BE from present too boisterous I board my ear with my ruke to oneself.