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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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god bless you
« Japanese »
You praise God
god bless you
« Czech »
probůh tebe
my eyes you
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
« Serbian »
Kako velik deo drvo jedan virginijski svizac bacati da jedan virginijski svizac mogao bacati drvo?
How whooper deal timber a Virginian marmot shoot yes a Virginian marmot could shoot timber?
but you do not want to face it alone
« Japanese »
But we would like to face that independently,
by girlz0r
i love batman
« Spanish »
amo al ayudante personal
master to the personal assistant
by girlz0r
I hate you Dan
« Swedish »
JAG hata du Dan
SELF hate yous Dan
You will never find another love like mine.
« Japanese »
Under any condition another love like my ones is not found.
by Cate
You will never find another love like mine.
« Filipino »
ka nasain hindi kailan man mapulot iba ibigin maibigan mineral.
you will never find different love like mineral.
iron maiden
« Slovenian »
železo dekle
iron slut
iron maiden
« Slovenian »
železo dekle
iron slut
by NtS666
Nice shirts like you!