Si hay pelito, no hay delito.
Ef there er leir- , there er neitun glæpur.
Hay quizá pelítico allí es crimen de la repulsión.
If you lived here, you'd be home by now.
너가 여기 살, 너는 가정 지금쯤은 이미 이을텐데.
You will connect here flesh, the family now about which spreads out
already, theyn the place.
나는 복장안에 남자와 무용한것을 사랑한다.
I love the man and the martial one thing inside the dress.
My Little Pony Friendship is magic
svoj neznaten konjiček prijateljstvo je čarodejstvo
your unimpressive tit intimity there is witchcraft
I love to eat monkies. Will you market my hemp castles?
« Japanese »
I love the fact that monkies is eaten. Is the castle of my flax sold?
Alle reden vom Wetter.
Aivan juoruta jokseenkin kestää.
Sauber sprechen Sie zuletzt.
You are gay, not that there is anything wrong with that.
너는 저것과 명랑하다, 아니다 저것 거기서 이다
아무거나 틀리게.
With that it spreads out is cheerful, anyone which is from that that
place it is not it hangs but it is incorrect.
The funny clown made me a balloon animal!
The strange buffoonery teacher did the balloon animal in me!
That's what she said.
Että mikä hän mainittu.
That what anythbly said.
Alle meine Entchen schwimmen auf dem See
vsi svoj raèka rahlo drsenje naprej jezero
jung und alt Ihr ducky Licht, das aufwärts Blatt des Wassers schiebt
by Nergal