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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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Ik heb er ongelofelijk veel zin in
« Japanese »
Ik bezit zeer veel gevoel
by gert
What would Jesus do?
« Korean »
예수는 무엇을 할는가?
Jesus what?
I have poop shoe. :c
« Russian »
Я имею ботинок poop. : c
I have a boots of poop. : c
excuse me, i need to use the toilet
« Spanish »
excúseme, yo necesitan utilizar el tocador
excúseme, I need to use the dressing table
by Larry
The rain in Spain stays mainly on the plane.
« Hungarian »
A eső Spanyolországban női fűző főleg a gépen.
THE falling In Spain stays mainly on the plane.
Would you like to get some hot halibut for the happy Haitian?
« Italian »
gradite ottenere un certo halibut caldo per il Haitian felice?
appreciate to obtain halibut a certainly warm one for the happy Haitian?
When i dance on top of the parliament buildings, children throw seafood at me.
« Czech »
Kdy já tancovat dále hlava of člen určitý parlament budova , dítě formovat mořské jídlo při jídle.
When self dance next head of the parliament structure , infant shape seafood at table.
A loucura é uma ilha perdida no oceano da razão
« Chinese (traditional) »
Louco é o console que perde no mar da razão
Sorry! Either you entered too much text or we're really busy. Please Try again!
« Croatian »
žalostan Oba te utipkanim u odveć tekst ili we're stvarno zaposlen. Ugoditi Pokušajte ponovo!
tristful Two these entered in too text or we're you really stir-about. Please Try again!
Sorry! Either you entered too much text or we're really busy. Please Try again!
« Italian »
Spiacente! Voi ha digitato troppo testo o we' re realmente occupato. Provi prego ancora!
Spiacente! You have typed too much text or we' really occupied king. Tests I still pray!
Nice shirts like you!