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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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I eat massive amounts of spaghetti
« Slovenian »
jaz trošiti masiven znesek od tanka izolirna gumasta cev
yours truly waste solid value I with spaghetti
killing me softly
« Spanish »
matándome suavemente
killing to me smoothly
I would like to fuck you tonight.
« Welsh »
Carwn at fuck 'ch heno.
We love to fuck ' dogs this evening.
Would you like to go on a date with me?
« Latin »
Would vos amo ut vado in a balanus me?
Would you to love when go upon a acorn me?
Millie is so pretty
« Korean »
Millie는 아주 예쁘다
Millie is pretty quite
Well, actually you forgot Poland!
« Croatian »
Kvalitetno , zaista te je zaboravio Poljska!
Meeting high standards , truly these forgot Polish!
I have to sneeze because I put pepper on an onion.
« Russian »
Я должен чихнуть потому что я одеваю в перец лук.
I must sneeze because I I dress into the pepper of pommels.
« Latin »
domus, aedes
agregado familiar, casa
by felipe
I want to have wild passionate sex with you.
« Korean »
나는 당신과 가진 사나운 열렬한 성이 있고 싶다.
I have and with you there is a characteristic which is passionate.
babelfish is among the most useless inventions in the history of evil!
« Croatian »
babelfish je između preko beskoristan izum in povijest od zlo!
babelfish had betwixt via useless invention in history with mischief!
Nice shirts like you!