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You are an incredibly beautiful woman. he would matter to him to accompany to me to take something?
Usted es una mujer increíblemente hermosa. ¿él importaría a él para acompañar a mí para tomar algo?
Silly? Shocking? Profound? Click the smiley to vote it up!
Life is a fatal complaint, and an eminently contagious one.
« Icelandic »
Líf er a banvænn kvörtun , og óákveðinn greinir í ensku einstaklega smitandi einn.
Líf is a deadly gripe , and indefinite article into English singularly oozy single.
he puts the saggy, hairy old testicles in his wet mouth
« Japanese »
The hairy old testis where he that sagged in the mouth which gets wet, is put in place
your pussy lips are big and smelly
« Chinese (traditional) »
Your cat lip is big and has the stink
Her vagina is surrounded by pubic hair
« Korean »
그녀의 질은 음모에 의해 포위된다
Her quality is enveloped in compliance with a conspiracy
I have a hatred for smelly cabbage, and I will not eat green eggs and ham
« Japanese »
I smell and possess the hatred for the cabbage, do not eat the egg or the ham of green
Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you walk into an open sewer and die.
« Icelandic »
Harmleikur er hvenær ÉG skera minn fingur. Gamanleikur er hvenær þú komast í óákveðinn greinir í ensku opinn holræsi og deyja.
Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Situation comedy is when you walk into indefinite article into English outspoken sewer and die.
I can has cheese burgers?
« Japanese »
I can do the cheese hamburger which is eaten?
You are a day late and a dollar short.
« Spanish »
Usted es un día tarde y un cortocircuito del dólar.
You are a day behind schedule and a short circuit of the dollar.
Peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers
« Japanese »
Peter's piper chose the sound which the pepper of the pickle picks piece by piece
high school musical sucks
« Japanese »
It inhales the musical of the high school
Nice shirts like you!