I love you, you love me, we're a happy family. With a knick-knack paddy whack give a dog a bone, I want you to love me too.
私はの愛する私を、we'愛する; 幸せな家族に関して。 小物の水田の強打によって犬に骨を、私追随的愛してほしい与えなさい。
Me whom I love, we& The #039 it loves; In regard to the happy family. My follow we want loving the bone, in the dog, with the hard blow of the paddy field of the small article give.
Oh, you dirty wench, get your hand out of my bloomers, bend over, and let me show you the wild weasel. Yeah.
ああ、私のブルマーの汚れた若い女、あなたの配り、曲がり、そして野生のイタチを示すことを許可する私が得る。 ええ。
Well, I who permit the fact that the weasel of the young woman, your distributing, bending, and wildness where my [buruma] it became dirty is shown obtain. Obtaining obtaining.