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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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It's Friday, Friday, got to get down on Friday!
« Danish »
Det er Fredag , Fredag , fik hen til blive nede oven på Fredag!
It is Friday , Friday , getting to become down after Friday!
We can't go on like this, I'll cut the deficit not the NHS
« Japanese »
私達can' tはこれ、I'のように続く; llは欠損をないNHS切った
Us can' As for t this, I& Like the #039 it continues; ll NHS which is not cut deficiency
In the grim darkness of the far future there is only war
« Japanese »
There is just a war with the distant future strict darkness
Hopefully the aliens do not have death rays otherwise we are doomed
« Japanese »
If it goes well, it can destine us with another method without of having the death ray weapon in the foreigner
The Devil went down to Georgia, he was looking for a soul to steal. He was in a bind, cause he was way behind, and he was willing to make a deal.
« Japanese »
悪魔はジョージアに盗むために、彼捜していた精神をダウン状態になった。 彼は縛り、彼が後ろ方法の、取り引きをして喜んでだった原因にあり。
Demon in order to steal in Georgia, him the mind which has been searched became down state. He to bind, he transacting rear method and, rejoicing there is the cause of being.
Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars. Let me see what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars. In other words, please be true. In other words, I love you.
« Czech »
Bryčka mne až k člen určitý mésíc a podržte mě činnost mezi člen určitý asterisk. Počkejte jaký skočit is do téže míry dále Jupiter a Mars. Do druhý slova , být příjemný být oprávněný. Do druhý slova , JÁ Amor tebe.
Fly me to the moon plus let me die working amongst the star. Let me see what spring is like next Jupiter plus Mars. Up second words , please subsist just. Up second words , SELF Love you.
How are you??
« Japanese »
It is vigorous? ?
with your feet in the air and your head on the ground try this trick and spin it your head will collapse but there is nothing in it and you will ask yourself where is my mind?
« Japanese »
地上の試みの空気そしてあなたの頭部のあなたのフィートによってこのトリックはおよびそれを回す あなたの頭部は倒れる しかしそれに何もない そしてあなた自身に尋ねる 私の心はどこにあるか。
But as for this trick and as for your head which turns that it collapses with the air of terrestrial attempt and your feet of your head there is no at all to that and as for my heart which is asked to you yourself it is somewhere?
I am glad, cause I am finally returning back home.
« Russian »
Я радостен, причина я окончательно возвращаю назад домой.
I am glad, reason I finally return back home.
Yes I do!
« Japanese »
It is, as for me!
Nice shirts like you!