Women shouldn't just be housewives, they should have a right to a career as well!
Žene treba pravedan postojati domaćica , oni treba imati pravo na jedan zanimanje također!
Women is required equitable be hostess , they is required have a right to a calling too!
by Rachel Benn
I believe you have my stapler?
Credo che abbiate mia cucitrice meccanica?
Creed that you have my seam-folding machine?
Cristiano Ronaldo's penalty two minutes from time earns Manchester United a hard-fought win against Everton.
« Korean »
2 minutes the very wife su sprouted from hour and punishment the
CristianoRonaldo's punishment combined the victory which it gets with
result of Everton heading fierce fight.
You are the best thing that ever happened to me.
« Russian »
You will be best thing it always occurred to me.
buns of steel
panini di acciaio
steel sandwiches
I did not have sex with that woman
sem storil ne življati spol s tem postaviti ženske
I made thingummy have sex with that woman
What's a girl like you doing in a place like this?
« Korean »
The girl what you together inside this place?
Do not play the guitar
« Japanese »
The guitar does not have to be performed,
Don't count your chickens before they hatch.
Before devising, your chicken you do not have to count.