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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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what the fuck is going on?
« Japanese »
Has sexual intercourse gone with something?
i know about that shit in our house.
« German »
ich kenne in dieser Scheiße in unserem Haus aus.
I know in this shit in our house out.
May the force be with you
« Slovenian »
maj moč biti s kom vi
may vivacity prevent you
A utterly insignificant little blue-green planet near a small unregareded yellow sun in the western spiral arm of the galaxy.
« Japanese »
Completely unregareded where the western spiral shellfish linear arm of the galaxy of trivial is small the planet of nearby a little blue green color of the yellow sun.
by Erender
Was it a dream where you see yourself standing in sort of sun-god robes on a pyramid with a thousand naked women screaming and throwing little pickles at you?
« Czech »
Was ono jeden sen kde tebe vidět ty sám stání do druh of slunce - bůh háv z jednoho kusu látky dále jeden jehlan s tisíc nahý ženy křičet a házení krátký brynda v tebe?
Was yon a vision where you see yourself standing up species of sun God robe next a spire with a thousand stripped women whoop plus toss succinct hogwash within you?
Let the sleeping dogs lie.
« Japanese »
Try to have the sleep dog.
by Lejla
Scientists in Colombia have unearthed the remains of a true prehistoric monster believed to be the biggest snake ever to have lived on Earth.
« Russian »
Научные работники в Колумбия отрывали остатки истинного доисторического изверга, котор верят, что были самой большой змейкой всегда прожить на земле.
Scientific workers in Columbia tore off the remainders of true prehistoric monster, it was which they believe that they were largest snake always live on the earth.
sadly michael jackson is dead
« Czech »
smutně Michigan honza is bez citu
sadly Michigan Johnny is dead
by silver
Former CIA director to serve on spy panel
« Spanish »
Director anterior de la Cia a servir en el panel del espía
Previous director of the company to serve in the panel of the spy
A skunk sat on a stump. Jump, Skunk, Jump.
« German »
Ein Stinktier saß auf einem Stumpf. Sprung, Stinktier, Sprung.
A stinking animal sat on a stump. Leap, stinking animal, leap.
Nice shirts like you!