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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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There is more than one way to skin a cat.
« Japanese »
More it is from the one-way which tears off the skin of the cat.
My butt stinks.
« Spanish »
Mis hedores del extremo.
My stenches of the end.
potato gun
« Spanish »
arma de la patata
it arms of the potato
by Jason
You ask me if I have a God complex. Let me tell you something. I am God.
« Korean »
당신은 나는 신 복합물이 있는지 저에게 질문한다. 저가 당신에게 무언가를 말하게 하십시오. 나는 신이다.
You I question in me who probably am the new complex water. Silence will split in low price you and do to make say. I am new.
i wear my heart on my sleeve
« Italian »
porto il mio cuore sul mio manicotto
port my heart on my muff
I must be emo, because I do not jump when I go to shows.
« Japanese »
Because as for me when I go to show, I do not jump, it becomes emo.
i swear i never eat whale
« Japanese »
I swear that I never do not eat the whale
by onyachamp
Japanese have big cocks.
« Japanese »
The male which is large to Japanese it is there is a chicken.
bloody oath mate
« Japanese »
Companion of oath of blood
hey man, whats up? want a drink?
« Japanese »
ちょっと人は、何あるか。 飲み物がほしいと思いなさいか。
As for the just a little person, is there what? Think that we want the beverage?
Nice shirts like you!