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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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What is love?
« Welsh »
Beth ydy cara?
Thing he is being I love?
How's about we go back to your place and give you a concussion against the headboard.
« Japanese »
How' s約私達はあなたの場所に戻り、頭板に対して震動を与える。
How' s approximately we return to your place, give the vibration vis-a-vis the head board.
The dumber people think you are, the more surprised they are going to be when you kill them.
« Latin »
stolidus populus reputo vos es , quantum admiratio they ire futurus ut vos iuguolo lemma.
slow of mind populace to reckon you are , how much wonder they to go to be when you to cut the throat theme.
you are an asshole
« Icelandic »
þú ert óákveðinn greinir í ensku hálfviti
you art indefinite article into English moron
Push comes to shove
« Danish »
Gåpåmod kommer hen til skovl
Drive upcoming to shovel
Honey, I am home!
« Chinese (traditional) »
The honey, I am a family!
Sham wow!
« Chinese (simplified) »
False ha!
by Foster
My butt stinks.
« Spanish »
Mis hedores del extremo.
My stenches of the end.
Want to go kill some assholes?
« Japanese »
Think that the murder some person is not slowly we would like to go?
potato gun
« Spanish »
arma de la patata
it arms of the potato
by Jason
Nice shirts like you!