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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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English Motherfucker! Do you Speak it!
« Korean »
Great Britain Motherfucker! It talks it it spreads out!
Little red riding hood is a sexy piece of meat.
« Chinese (traditional) »
Little red rides a horse the hood is the sexy sliced meat.
Keep your hands off my kids!
« Serbian »
Držati tvoj ruke k sebi moj dječji!
Hold your ruke to oneself my little one!
Keep your hands off my kids!
« Turkish »
almak senin yakışıklı uzakta benim kids!
take thine handsome off my kids!
The eternal sleeper is I is rising. I will sew. I will grow. I will see and I will know. What's more am enterprising.
« Italian »
The eternal traversina is is increasing. I will sew. I will develop myself. I will see and know. That what is more enterprising.
Love it!!
« Slovenian »
ljubezen to!!
preference this!!
A complicated sentence is a complicated sentence because it contains several words, articles, nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, pronouns or objects and complicated sentence s are also oftentimes very long, with lots of commas, semi-colons, colons, exclamation marks or question marks, which should make them rather tricky and difficult to translate correctly.
« Finnish »
kiperä tuomita on kiperä tuomita koska se hillitä useat puhe , palvella oppiaikansa , nimisana , adjektiivi , teonsana , adverbi , asemosana eli muistuttaa ja kiperä tuomita s-kirjain aari kin oftentimes erittäin kauan , avulla roppakaupalla -lta pilkku , puoli- - kaksoispiste , kaksoispiste , huudahdus ampuja eli asia ampuja , joka pitäisi ehtiä heidät aika juonikas ja hankala jotta kääntää korjata.
complicated sentence is complicated sentence as it tutor several speech , articles , substantive , adjective , verb , adverb , pronoun or object and complicated sentence s - letter are also oftentimes very long , with lots from comma , half - colon , colon , ejaculation marksman or case marksman , which should make them period plotting and difficult to tuck correct.
by Rachel Benn
What would Jesus do?
« Slovenian »
kakšen hoteti jezuit delati?
what kind of yammer Jesuit work?
the only thing we have to fear is fear itself
« Greek »
the alone thing it should we are afraid it is the same fear
Who let the dogs out?
« Japanese »
Someone made the dog possible?
Nice shirts like you!