Once upon a time Snow White and the seven dwarfs lived in a small, cosy cottage in Far Far away.
« Croatian »
Whilom Snow White plus seven midget vivid in a small cosy how many in Far away Far away.
honk if you're horny
« Japanese »
Sound the keratin alarm
hirtelen , Pókok! SZÁZ Mindegyiküknek!
suddenly , Spiders! FIVESCORE Of them all!
I want to fuck you like an animal.
« Spanish »
Desire to vetoes to the excrement that has taste of an animal.
You're meant to put in English and it translates to X language and back from that to English for humorous outcomes.
You're vilis ut loco in English quod is reddo ut X lingua quod abhinc ut ut English pro humorous eventus.
You're cheap when to place upon English and this to repeat when X language and ago when when English for humorous outcome.
William, do you take Catherine to be your lawfully wedded wife?
Gwilym , ddygi Cadi at bod 'ch 'n ddeddfol wedded gwraig?
William , you steal Catherine to be ' dogs ' heartburn lawful may he suit woman?
by Rachel Benn
I am looking for a date. Want to go to dinner?
« Latin »
I to be facial expression for a short time acorn. I want when to make for dinner?
Save the cheerleader, save the world.
« Croatian »
Save cheerleader , save World Day.
how old are you?
당신은 몇 살 인가?
The some flesh which it spreads out it happens?
« Slovenian »
virile member, prick