Excuse me, would you like to come back to my place?
« Japanese »
Me, it returned to my place it is and thinks you permit?
Maybe theres an insane amount of toasters in one of the rooms! Remind me to check.
« Slovenian »
well to conclude insane value I with toaster withal with room! to remember we within draught.
I wouldn't be doint that If I were myself in your way.
« Swedish »
SELF wouldn't become do that If I were him myself in your ways.
William, do you take Catherine to be your lawfully wedded wife?
Gwilym , ddygi Cadi at bod 'ch 'n ddeddfol wedded gwraig?
William , you steal Catherine to be ' dogs ' heartburn lawful may he suit woman?
by Rachel Benn
I want to fuck you like an animal.
« Spanish »
Desire to vetoes to the excrement that has taste of an animal.
Humans are making mistakes. God is not.
人間は間違えている。 神はない。
The human has made a mistake. There is no God.
by HilkMAN
You're meant to put in English and it translates to X language and back from that to English for humorous outcomes.
You're vilis ut loco in English quod is reddo ut X lingua quod abhinc ut ut English pro humorous eventus.
You're cheap when to place upon English and this to repeat when X language and ago when when English for humorous outcome.
how old are you?
당신은 몇 살 인가?
The some flesh which it spreads out it happens?
"Why don't we just abolish the schools and home-school the kids?"
" zašto? nemoj nama pravedan prekinuti određeni član škole pa dom - škola određeni član dječji? "
" why? don't us equitable abolish the schools and limited space training the little one? "