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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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You are cordially invited to the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton.
« Turkish »
sen are içtenlikle davet etmek -e doğru belgili tanımlık nikah -in prens -ecek ve Kate ortadaki.
you are faithfully invite had straight the wedding den prince ecek and Cathedral middle.
by Rachel Benn
You are cordially invited to the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton.
« Finnish »
Te aari sydämellisyys herättää jotta avioituen -lta Prinssi Halukas ja Cover Keskikohta.
You are cordiality call to wedding from Prince Anxious and Kate Centre.
by Rachel Benn
Barney is a dinosaur from our imagination and when he calls, he is what we would call a dinosaur sensation.
« Slovenian »
skedenj je a dinozaver s svoj domišljija ter čas on oklic , on je kakšen mi hoteti oklic a dinozaver občutek.
barn there is however dinosaur with your phantasy and while him summons , he is what kind of we yammer summons however dinosaur sentiency.
by Rachel Benn
Tale as old as time. True as it can be. Barely even friends then somebody bends, unexpectedly. Just a little change. Small to say the least. Both a little scared. Neither one prepared. Beauty and the beast.
« Czech »
Legenda ačkoliv dávný ačkoliv čas. Oprávněný ačkoliv je možno. Chatrně dokonce druh někdy někdo hýbat , nenadálý. Spravedlivý poněkud burza. Malý až k říci člen určitý nejmenší. Oba poněkud poustrašený. Žádný jeden připravený. Krása a člen určitý bestie.
Tale not but that old not but that while. Just not but that it can be. Jerry-built even species sometimes someone bend , sudden. Just somewhat stock exchange. Sparing to say the least. Either somewhat scared. None a prepared by. Amenity plus the beast.
by Rachel Benn
Look at this stuff. Isn't it neat? Wouldn't you think my collection is complete? Wouldn't you think I'm the girl, the girl who has... everything?
« Czech »
Dívat se na tato látka. Isn't ono úpravný? Nechtěl bych tebe cenit má inkaso is celý? Nechtěl bych tebe cenit I'm člen určitý děvče , člen určitý děvče kdo 3sg.préz.od have. vše
Look at this substance. Isn't yon spruce? Wouldn't you weigh has collection is whole? Wouldn't you weigh I'm the wench , the wench whoa have. everything
by Rachel Benn
I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream
« Croatian »
JA znati te , Hodao sam sa te jedanput na san
I know these , I walked from an these some time at an San
by Rachel Benn
Are you a complete crackpot?!
« Serbian »
Biti te jedan potpun luckast čovjek?!
Subsist you a complete crank?!
Do you want to fuck my pussy?
« Turkish »
yapmak sen istemek -e doğru sikişmek benim kedi?
do you wish for had straight fuck my cat?
Why do people believe in God?
« Latin »
Quare operor populus puto in Deus?
Wherefore to work populace to clear upon God?
Do you want to grab a burger with me at Burger King?
« Serbian »
Činiti te oskudica ščepati jedan purger s mene kod Purger Kralj?
Act you dearth clench a inhabitant of Zagreb with me at Inhabitant of Zagreb King?
Nice shirts like you!