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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
Silly? Shocking? Profound? Click the smiley to vote it up!
I love you. You are the greatest thing to ever happen to me.
« Welsh »
Cara 'ch. Ach 'r 'n fwyaf beth at bob amser damweinia ata.
I love ' dogs. You are being ' group ' heartburn most thing to always I befall to.
by Brizzle
Koman Coulibaly saved our asses!
« Slovenian »
Koman Coulibaly zaščititi svoj zbrati!
Piece Coulibaly save your sober-minded!
« Czech »
kus dřeva, kus železa, lovit, ryba, ryby, vyspravit, vyztužit
fish , fish , net , fish , fish , fish , stiffen
« Welsh »
was miscarrying
servant miscarrying
I used to make really scrumptious pancakes back in the day. Blueberries and strawberries and chocolate chips... They were really tasty!
« Slovenian »
sem rabil uganjati pošteno slasten praženec prislon podnevi. borovnica ter strawberries ter čokolada odkrušek. so bili pošteno okusen!
I used to practice thoroughly toothsome pancake back in the daytime. wineberry and strawberries and chocolate fraction. they were thoroughly toothsome!
But soft, what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.
« Slovenian »
šele mehek , kakšen svetloba skozi tam okno zlom? ono je vzhod , ter julijanski je sonce.
till then weak-spirited [wi:kspiritid] a , what kind of torch throughout whitherward window snap? it is rise , and Julian there is Titan.
Screw you guys, I'm going home!
« Serbian »
Vijak te momački I'm idući dom!
Propeller you celibate I'm consequent limited space!
i want you in my pants
« Latin »
volo vos in meus pardus
I want you upon my panther
Whip party at my house!
« Japanese »
Rod party of my house!
purple monkey washer
« Dutch »
purpere aapwasmachine
purple monkey washing machine
Nice shirts like you!