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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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Boom, headshot.
« Croatian »
Bum! , rukovodeći položaj.
Bum!, leading location.
by CDiFan237
hello, my name is joshua
« Japanese »
Today, as for my name it is [jiyoshiyua
I am a princess.
« Japanese »
I am the king woman.
i love petting my little cat
« Latin »
ego diligo petting meus parum cattus
I to value highly petting my too little cat
We had sex with strangers
« Dutch »
Wij hadden geslacht met vreemdelingen
We had slaughtered with aliens
by Anthony Sierra
you are lovely. would you like a drink from my fountain?
« Greek »
είστε καλοί. θα θέλατε ένα ποτό από την πηγή μου;
you are good. you would want a drink from my source?
by Anthony Sierra
My daughter has a brand new build a bear with green eyes and red hair!
« Japanese »
The [ku] where the making which is brand-new in my daughter loads the pupil and the red hair of green well the [ru]!
I throw up on roller-coasters.
« French »
Je jette vers le haut sur des montagnes russes.
I throw upwards on Russian mountains.
Caress my donkey.
« French »
Caressez mon âne.
Cherish my ass.
The wonders of procrastination!
« Chinese (simplified) »
Delaying miracle!
Nice shirts like you!