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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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you complete me
« Japanese »
I am completed
lesbian babies will one day rule the galaxy. heck yes.
« Norwegian »
lesbian barna ville en dag beherske det galakse. avbryter ja.
lesbian babies savage some day be master of control facts galaxy. aborting certainly.
by me
Will Justin Beiber ever reach puberty?
« French »
Justin Beiber atteindra-t-il jamais la puberté ?
Will Justin Beiber never reach puberty?
by me
Look at my beautiful butt.
« Italian »
Esamini la mia bella estremità.
It examines my beautiful extremity.
by Lzla
Thigh high boots and fishnet stockings.
« French »
Hauts bottes de cuisse et bas de fishnet.
High boots of thigh and low of fishnet.
by Lzla
a pussycat clenched within your fist
« French »
un minou serré dans votre poing
a pussy tightened in your fist
Who ate my chicken?
« Latin »
Quisnam ate meus pullus?
Quidnam ate my young?
I accidentally swallowed my iPhone.
« Hungarian »
ÉN véletlenül fecske az én -m iPhone.
AM I incidental swallow my m iPhone.
I would like to order the traffic light, fried with onions, and a side of lightbulbs.
« Japanese »
I desire the signal of the light bulb which rises with the onion and the fact that the side is ordered.
I wish I had a glass of ice cold water.
« Icelandic »
ÉG vilja ÉG had a gler af ís kuldi vatn.
I wish I had a glazing with ice frigidity aqua.
Nice shirts like you!