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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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Did you find the guy?
« Japanese »
You find the person and are high.
I know its only rock and roll but i like it.
« Spanish »
I know his only rock and roll but I have taste of her.
I know its only rock and roll but i like it.
« Croatian »
I know features sole scar plus hank limit I like the IT.
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
« Croatian »
We People of the day The United States , in order to formal more unblemished Union , institute Pravda , insured menial Tranquillity , to us routinely weapon , up front general Well-being , plus untroubled Lending with Freedom this ourselves plus of our Seed , complete ordain plus institute this Legality for the day The United States with America.
I have to take a crap, I'll be right back.
« Finnish »
I - LETTER secure to drift crap I'll be clean back.
I have to take a crap, I'll be right back.
« Korean »
I, have the trash after the right side will connect i go and.
You have incredibly beautiful tits. Can I feel them?
« Korean »
It will spread out and possibility Ubs whom it will believe there is beautiful light another family. It feels them possibility there is I?
Dear Tom, Please stop deleting my great sayings. I'm trying to make your piece of crap site fun. Love, Scott
« Swedish »
Dear Vacant , Please stop obliteration mine grand saying. I'm trying to make your piece of crap site fun. Love , Scotch
Please eat your carrots.
« Danish »
Please capture yours walk.
by Mirrf
Well fuck me sideways
« Norwegian »
Brisk fuck my edgeways
Nice shirts like you!