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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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Don't worry about a thing, because every little thing is going to be alright.
« Welsh »
Gwisga t bendroni am beth , achos 'n bob hychydig beth ydy yn cerdded at bod alright.
I dress tower worry about thing , because ' heartburn each few thing he is being walking to be alright.
by Luisa
Can I come on your tits.
« Chinese (traditional) »
Can I come in yours tit.
There are many ways of skinning a cat.
« Russian »
Будут много дорог снимать кожу с кота.
Many roads will remove the skin from the tomcat.
Your family is going to be gang raped, sit back and enjoy.
« Korean »
너의 가족은 강간되는 갱 이고기 위하여, 후에 앉고기 위하여 그리고 즐기기 위하여 가고 있다.
Your family respects, the shaft and the flag which are raped after and it sits the flag it respects and and in order to enjoy and it is going.
This coffee is way delicious.
« Welsh »
Hon choffi ydy ffordd 'n bêr.
This you remember he is being way ' heartburn spear.
We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these rights are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
« Korean »
우리는 자명하기 위하여 이 진실을, 저 모든 남자 이다 창조한 동등자, 그들이 이 권리사이에 행복의 생활, 자유 및 추적 이는, 어느 권리에 그들의 창조자에의해 부여되는 저것 붙들n다.
Us in order to be self-explanatory this truth, it is a writing all man and it sleeps equally it creates, them this life, freedom and tracking of happiness, by their creator in which right that it is given is the n which it will catch between right.
by Randall Bart
I think I just shit myself.
« Korean »
나는I정당한 배설물 나 자신을 생각한다.
I the I think the human waste or oneself who is legitimate.
Silly? Shocking? Profound? Click the smiley to vote it up!
« Spanish »
¿Tonto? ¿El dar una sacudida eléctrica? ¿Profundo? ¡Chasque el smiley para votarlo para arriba!
Idiot? Giving an electrical shock? Deep? Chasque the smiley to vote it for above!
is that a rocket in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
« Danish »
er at en raket i jeres hul eller er du netop lykkelig over at se efter mig?
is that a rocket to yours perforation or are you precisely delighted that look for me?
I love you with all my being!
« Japanese »
I love the fact that it has all me!
Nice shirts like you!