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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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I'm a little teapot, short and stout.
« Chinese (simplified) »
I am the young teapot, am short and the fierce black beer.
I'm a little teapot, short and stout.
« Slovenian »
I'm malo èajen , majhen ter èokat.
I'm somewhat teapot , wee and turnipy.
Miss Lucy had a steamboat, the steamboat had a bell. Miss Lucy went to heaven and the steamboat went to Hello operator, please give me number nine, and if you disconnect me I will chop off your behind!
« Danish »
Føle savnet af Lucy fik en steamboat , den steamboat fik en klokke. Føle savnet af Lucy blev hen til himmel og den steamboat blev hen til Hallo maskinarbejder , behage indrømme mig antal ni , og selv om jer afbryde mig Ja hugge ned af jeres hale!
Miss Lucy getting a steamboat , the steamboat getting a bell. Miss Lucy went to sky and the steamboat went to Hello operator , please admit me number nine , and even though you abort me Certainly nick down from yours fanny!
Miss Lucy had a steamboat, the steamboat had a bell. Miss Lucy went to heaven and the steamboat went to Hello operator, please give me number nine, and if you disconnect me I will chop off your behind!
« Czech »
Chybit Lucy mnìl jsem jeden parník , èlen urèitý parník mnìl jsem jeden rolnièka. Chybit Lucy šel až k nebe a èlen urèitý parník šel až k Halo!nazdar! operatér , být pøíjemný darovat mne èíslo devìt , a -li tebe odlouèit mne JÁ vùle useknout tvùj dozadu!
Mistake Lucy had a steamer , the steamer had a jingle. Mistake Lucy went to sky plus the steamer went to Hello! hallo operator , please provide me number nine , plus li you sever me SELF wills chop off yours behind!
Miss Lucy had a steamboat, the steamboat had a bell. Miss Lucy went to heaven and the steamboat went to Hello operator, please give me number nine, and if you disconnect me I will chop off your behind!
« Korean »
Lucy미스는steamboat이,steamboat있었다 종을 있었다. Lucy미스는 천국에 가고steamboat은에 갔다 여보세요 통신수는, 나에게 제 9을 주고, 너가 나를 차단하면 나는 너의 뒤에서떨어져 잘게 자를 것이다!
The Lucy Miss was the steamboat, the steamboat the bell which is. The Lucy Miss went to a heaven and it went to the steamboat When Hello the communication possibility, in me gives 9th and you intercept will carry me, to fall from the rear of you and it is to cut small!
Miss Lucy had a steamboat, the steamboat had a bell. Miss Lucy went to heaven and the steamboat went to Hello operator, please give me number nine, and if you disconnect me I will chop off your behind!
« Russian »
Miss Лучы имел steamboat, steamboat имел колокол. Miss Лучы пошел к раю и steamboat пошло к Здравствулте! оператор, пожалуйста дает мне 9, и если вы отключаете меня, то я прерву с ваше заднего!
Miss Luchy had steamboat, steamboat had bell. Miss Luchy it went to the paradise and steamboat went k To zdravstvulte! operator, if you please gives to me 9, and if you disconnect me, then I will interrupt your rear!
Well, damn.
« Chinese (traditional) »
很好, 非常。
Very good, extremely.
My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die.
« Icelandic »
Minn nafn er Inigo Myndblöndun , þú óvirkur minn faðir , undirbúa til deyja.
My name is Inigo Montage , you inactive my sire , set up to die.
blood stained sword of doom
« Japanese »
The blood polluted the sword of destiny
bi is my lo li
« Korean »
비스무트는 나의 낮은 리튬 이다
Rain twenty it is my low-end lithium which sprouts
Nice shirts like you!