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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
Silly? Shocking? Profound? Click the smiley to vote it up!
Why don't you go and fuck yourself?
« French »
Pourquoi n'allez-vous pas vous baiser ?
Why won't you kiss you?
This is exactly the kind of BS that the website solves.
« Japanese »
これはウェブサイト が解決する一種のBS 丁度である。
This is kind of BS which web sight solves exactly.
by J Kollings
Milk does a body good.
« Romanian »
Lapte does un corp bun.
Milk does an body good.
by James A. Calwell III
Long cat is long.
« Norwegian »
Lang katten er lang.
High cat am high.
H, A, P, P, Y, why, why do I feel happy when I hear the Charleston?
« Korean »
나가 차알스턴을 들을 때H,A,P,P,Y, 왜, 나는 왜 행복한가 느끼는가?
It goes out and when listening to Charleston, the H, the A, the P, the P and the Y, why, me it is happy it feels why?
Free speech for all! Even douches!
« Chinese (simplified) »
言论自由为所有! douches!
The freedom of speech is all! Douches!
Tip me over and pour me out!
« Hungarian »
Tanács én felsõ és önt én ki!
Tip am I upper and you am I who!
Tip me over and pour me out!
« Croatian »
Savjet mene na i pljusak mene vanjska strana!
Advice for myself at an plus hail myself surface!
Tip me over and pour me out!
« Japanese »
Reverse me, pour!
I'm a little teapot, short and stout.
« Greek »
Είμαι μικρές teapot, απότομα και μια δυνατή μπύρα.
Is small teapot, abruptly and a possible beer.
Nice shirts like you!