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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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Internet explorer is not a browser, its waste.
« Finnish »
Jäsentenvälinen tehdä tutkimusmatka on ei jyrsiä , sen haaskata.
Mutual explore is no crop , its waste.
I do not understand, could you speak slower?
« Japanese »
Me you do not understand, are slower you speak being, it will do?
I'm going to fuck you up.
« Japanese »
I intend to have sexual intercourse.
You are gay, not that there is anything wrong with that.
« Korean »
너는 저것과 명랑하다, 아니다 저것 거기서 이다 아무거나 틀리게.
With that it spreads out is cheerful, anyone which is from that that place it is not it hangs but it is incorrect.
You are gay, not that there is anything wrong with that.
« Japanese »
That and cheerfulness, that there is no there it is with anything which by mistake is.
the car is moving at high speed.
« Norwegian »
bilen flytter for høy fart.
auto displace for hay speed.
The girl is here.
« Norwegian »
Piken er her over.
Bird am here above.
let's get down tonight, let's celebrate
« Korean »
오늘 밤 내려오자, 경축하자
Tonight descend, celebration flaw
fuck your mother
« Spanish »
coja a su madre
it takes to its mother
What's a nice girl like you doing in a joint like this?
« Welsh »
Beth s a 'n glws bachgennes cara 'ch yn gwneud mewn chwgn cara hon?
Thing sound I go ' heartburn pretty girl I love ' dogs doing in knot I love this?
by JimG
Nice shirts like you!