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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
Silly? Shocking? Profound? Click the smiley to vote it up!
I drink your milkshake, I drink it up!
« Latin »
EGO imbibo vestri milkshake , EGO imbibo is sursum!
I imbibe your milkshake , I imbibe this upwards!
i have a giddy head.
« Norwegian »
jeg har en svimmel leder.
I've a dizzy administrator.
Right, is a stupid party..
« Norwegian »
Rett , er en dum parti.
Correct , am a crazily consignment.
tomorrow, it is back on school :(
« Norwegian »
i morgen , det er en rygg opp på skolen :(
tomorrow , it is a back up at school :(
it is snowing outside, but the rain is coming.
« Norwegian »
det er en snø ytterside , bortsett fra det regne kommer.
it is a snow outside , but facts add up comes.
Lets go to the movies
« Hungarian »
Akadályok megy mozi
Troubles he is going to kinema
Fuck, I hate the internet.
« Japanese »
Sexual intercourse, I hate Internet.
It's a man's obligation to stick his boneration in a woman's separation; this sort of penetration will increase the population of the younger generation.
« Chinese (traditional) »
它是一個人的義務黏附他的boneration 在婦女的分離; 這類滲透將增加更加年輕的世代的人口。
It is a person's duty mounts attaches his boneration in woman's separation; This kind of seepage will increase a younger generation the population.
Our liability coverage is zero. Our balls, however, are enormous.
« Slovenian »
svoj zaveza kritje je lahko vojaško japonsko letalo v 2. svetovni vojni. svoj žoga , vendar , ste ogromen.
your union provisions of funds there is with ease soldierly Japan ship within 2. Victory Medal. your wrong one , yet , are walloping.
Our liability coverage is zero. Our balls, however, are enormous.
« Swedish »
Vår ansvaret täckningen är noll. Vår balerna , hur... än , de/vi/du/ni är enorm.
Ours blame coverage is zero. Ours balls , how. than , they / wes / yous / yous is huge.
Nice shirts like you!