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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
Silly? Shocking? Profound? Click the smiley to vote it up!
My name is Harlan. What's yours?
« Serbian »
Moj ugled 3. lice od TO BE u prezentu Harlan. Šta vaš?
My credit 3. wis with IT BE from present Harlequin. Tugovati yours?
by Harlan
Global warming is real
« Greek »
Η παγκόσμια αύξηση της θερμοκρασίας λόγω του φαινομένου του θερμοκηπίου είναι πραγματική
The world increase of temperature because the phenomenon of greenhouse is real
Hide the fart
« Norwegian »
Gjemme det fart
Cloak facts speed
Hide the fart
« French »
Cachez le fart
Hide the wax
Today is the day I was rick rolled by The Muppets
« Icelandic »
Í dag er the dagur ÉG var heystakkur vals við The Muppets
Today is the day I var haystack waltz accustom The Muppets
you have been rickrolled
« Japanese »
rickrolled あった
Rickrolled it was
by McKade
There is a rock in my shoe
« Serbian »
Onde 3. lice od TO BE u prezentu jedan stijena unutra moj cipela
Beyond 3. wis with IT BE from present a crag in my shoe
by Aaron
If you were a man, I would have sex with you.
« Japanese »
The person, I possess the characteristic where you have been attached.
I nailed your toy car to the bottom of the bed so it wouldn't roll away and make someone fall.
« Japanese »
I your toy car nailed on the bottom of the bed and therefore it did not roll and, do not fall in someone.
I love to eat cheese
« Japanese »
I love the fact that the cheese is eaten
Nice shirts like you!