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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
Silly? Shocking? Profound? Click the smiley to vote it up!
You are awesomely beautiful
« Welsh »
Ach awesomely 'n arddun
You are being awesomely ' heartburn sublime
I like most of you only half as much as you think.
« Czech »
JÁ do téže míry využitkovat tebe ale polovina tolik jako tebe cenit.
SELF like most of you however half as much as you weigh.
Situations L Ohio of persons ruïnesdell that is these this [daktylografoyn] the L qu! [Af]? ,
« Serbian »
Situacija GRADSKA NADZEMNA ŽELJEZNICA Ohio nad osoba ruïnesdell taj 3. lice od TO BE u prezentu ovih današji daktylografoyn ] odreðeni èlan GRADSKA NADZEMNA ŽELJEZNICA qu! Af ]?,
Circumstance URBAN OVERGROUND RAILWAY Ohio on individual ruïnesdell that 3. wis with IT BE from present these this daktylografoyn ] the URBAN OVERGROUND RAILWAY qu! Af ]?,
I'm a very interesting person! No really, I am.
« Japanese »
I' m非常に興味深い人! 実際に、私はない。
I' m very interesting person! Actually, there is no I.
I love your chests, ooh baby I'm crazy about your breasts
« Turkish »
I aþk senin sandýk ooh bebek I'm deli hakkýnda senin meme
I love thine chest ooh baby I'm madness concerning thine teat
its way to hot
« Norwegian »
dens vei å het
her autobahn to called
hey, hey, hey, copernicus, why don't you go to the back of the line with your shoes, and stand there with your shirt
« Italian »
hey, hey, hey, copernicus, perché don' t andate alla parte posteriore della linea con i vostri pattini e vi levate in piedi là con la vostra camicia
hey, hey, hey, copernicus, because don' t your ice-skates and rises in feet here with your shirt gone to the posterior part of the line with
by Dan Parnell
you are a beautiful blonde! i want you on all fours!
« Portuguese »
você é um louro bonito! eu quero-o em todos os fours!
you are a pretty parrot! I want it in all fours!
fuck you ass hole
« Icelandic »
ríða þú rass gat
screw you prat opening
have you gone completely mad?
« Slovenian »
življati vi zgubljen èisto stekel?
have you like a duck in thunderstorm well rabidly?
Nice shirts like you!