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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
Silly? Shocking? Profound? Click the smiley to vote it up!
To be, or not to be, that is the question. Whether it be nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing, end them?
« Japanese »
あるため、またはないため、質問である。 非道な幸運の吊り鎖そして矢に苦しむか、または悩みの、そして反対ことをによる海に対して腕を取るためにそれは心でより気高いかどうかそれらを終えなさいか。
Because of a certain, or because it is not, it is question. It suffers from the topping lift and the arrow of inhuman good fortune, or or trouble, and whether or not in order to take the arm vis-a-vis the sea by opposite thing that is nobler with heart finish those?
Want instant mangle shirt?
« Welsh »
Angen amrantiad ddragia chrys?
Need wink I drag shirt?
May The Force be with you.
« Slovenian »
maj moè biti s kom vi.
may vivacity prevent you.
« Welsh »
a werewolf
I go werewolf
I had pot roast for dinner.
« Portuguese »
Eu comi o assado de potenciômetro para o comensal.
I ate the baked one of potentiometer for the comensal.
by Chelsea
You are the best help in fixing the bed that I have ever had.
« Welsh »
Ach 'r enilla chyfnertha i mewn yn atgyweirio 'r gorweddfa a Ca bob amser had.
You are being ' group I win I confirm in repairing ' group bed I go I Have always seed.
You are the best help in fixing the bed that I have ever had.
« Korean »
당신은 나는 이제까지 있던 것이 침대를 고치기에 있는 제일 도움이다.
You me until recently, is a first help where being the bed to is repaired.
You are the best help in fixing the bed that I have ever had.
« Italian »
Siete il migliore aiuto nella riparazione della base che ho avuto mai.
You are the best aid in the repair of the base that I have never had.
You are the best help in fixing the bed that I have ever had.
« Czech »
Tebe ar èlen urèitý nejlépe pomoci do pøíslušenství èlen urèitý dno aby JÁ mít jakkoli mnìl jsem.
You are the best succour up appurtenances the sink that SELF hold somehow had.
Please have a drink with me. I understand that you are a real estate agent.
« Czech »
Být pøíjemný mít jeden doušek s mne. JÁ dovídat se aby tebe ar jeden správce statku.
Please hold a tope with me. SELF understand that you are a seneschal.
Nice shirts like you!