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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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Theres a lady whos sure all that glitters is gold, and shes buying a stairway to heaven.
« Croatian »
Ima dama tko je siguran svi taj iskrenje je zlato , i shes kupovina stepenice to nebo.
Has a lady who is who watertight all this sparkle had gold , plus shes the purchase stairway this heaven.
Come gather round people, wherever you roam.
« Latin »
Adveho recolligo rotundus populus , qua vos roam.
To carry gather wheel-shaped populace , by which route you roam.
Feeling lucky, punk?
« Japanese »
You feel the flat tire fortunately?
« Filipino »
purpose, goal, object, intention
I guess that's why the call me, they all me the working man!
« Icelandic »
ÉG giska á þessi hvers vegna the kalla mig , þeir allur mig the vinnandi maður!
I giska á river ;l) why the call myself , they total myself the working man!
5 tips to get a flat stomach
« Norwegian »
5 drikkepenger å bli en leilighet mage
5 tip to be a apartment abdomen
red, red, wine. REDRUM is the inverse of murder, therefore, if you murder somone, then drink red rum, they will reanimate as a zombie that will do your bidding.
« German »
rot, rot, Wein. REDRUM ist das Gegenteil des Mordes folglich wenn Sie somone ermorden, dann trinkt roten Rum, sie reanimate als Zombie, der Ihr Bieten tut.
red, red, wine. TALKING RUM is the opposite of the murder therefore if you murder somone, then reanimate drinks red rum, them as Zombie, which does your offering.
by Drew
red, red, wine. REDRUM is the inverse of murder, therefore, if you murder somone, then drink red rum, they will reanimate as a zombie that will do your bidding.
« Japanese »
、赤いのワイン赤い。 従ってREDRUMはあなたの値をつけることをするゾンビとしてsomoneを殺害すれば殺害のinverse、そして赤いラム酒を、生き返る飲む。
It is red the wine it is red. Therefore as for REDRUM if somone is murdered as the zombie who does that your value is acquired, inverse, and the red ram liquor of murder, it reanimates, you drink.
by Drew
blue! berries! blueberries!
« Finnish »
alakuloinen marja blueberries!
melancholy berry blueberries!
by Drew
« Finnish »
keltainen väri, kellastua, kellastunut
yellow , yellow , yellow
by Drew
Nice shirts like you!