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Super Mario All-Stars
« Latin »
Eximius Caltha Totus - Astrum
Uncommon Marigold Whole star
by AD2353
You're starting to piss me off, you piggly son of a bitch! Call me!
« Czech »
You're trhnutí až k moè mne do konce , tebe praseèí chlívek èubèí syn! Èerpat mne!
You're wrenching to water me to the end , you sty son-of-a-bitch! Tank me!
by AD2353
I like big butts and I cannot lie, you other mothers can't deny!
« Hungarian »
Nekem tetszik nagy csikk és ÉN nem tud fekszik , ön más anyák nem tud tagad!
I like mickle fag-end and AM I can't lies , your are other mothers can't deny!
by AD2353
dan likes to stand on his head
« Japanese »
Don likes the fact that it stands in that head
by AD2353
Guitar Hero World Tour
« Russian »
Путешествие мира героя гитары
Journey of the peace of the hero of the guitar
Yes we can!
« Norwegian »
Ja vi kanne!
Certainly we can!
Things fall apart. The center cannot hold.
« Latin »
Res dilabor. center cannot habitum.
Occurrence to break up. a fleet of a hundred ships cannot to have.
by Travis
Things fall apart. The center cannot hold.
« Romanian »
Things a cãdea apartament. cent abil þinere.
Things fall apartment. the cent canny hold.
by Travis
Things fall apart. The center cannot hold.
« Korean »
것은 붕괴된다. 센터는 붙들 수 없다.
The thing collapses. The center is not a possibility of catching.
by Travis
stolen election
« Chinese (simplified) »
Campaign which steals
by Travis
Nice shirts like you!