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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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Hello, my name is Bob
« Japanese »
Today, as for my name it is the hob
You're dead. Your friends are dead. Your family's dead. Your fucking pets are being skinned alive. Your mom's a fucking whore. The whole world hates you. You're going to hell. Live with it. Game Over.
« Chinese (simplified) »
You' 再死者。 您的朋友是死的。 您的family' 死的s。 您该死的宠物被剥皮的活。 您的mom' s一个该死的妓女。 全世界恨您。 You' 再去地狱。 与它居住。 比赛。
You' Again dead. Your friend dies. Your family' Dies s. You should die the pet living which skins. Your mom' s should die prostitute. The world hates you. You' Goes to the hell again. Lives with it. Competition.
Kidnap Mr. Sandy Claws? I wanna do it! Let's draw straws!
« Korean »
씨를 납치하는가 샌디 Claws? 나는 그것을 하고 싶다! Let' s 끌기 밀짚!
Hijacks the seed the D Claws dawns? I it and! Let' s pulling the wheat straw!
by Pirka
Boys and girls of every age, wouldn't you like to see something strange? Come with us and you will see, this our town of Halloween!
« Croatian »
Momèadija i djevojka od svaki dob , æe želite vidjeti nešto stran? Dogoditi se sa nas i te htijenje vidjeti , ovaj naš grad od Posvetiti!
Boys plus girlfriend with everyone age , would you like to see somewhat strange? Happen from an us plus these volition to see , this of our cities with Lie under a necessity!
by Pirka
Cherry Chocolate Rain
« Korean »
버찌 초콜렛 비
Cherry chocolate expense
i am a fag
« German »
ich bin eine Schwule
I am gay
English to _________ and back again. See whats lost (or gained) in translation.
« Italian »
Inglese a _______ ed alla parte posteriore ancora. Vedi che cosa è perso (o è guadagnato) nella traduzione.
English to _____ and the posterior part still. You see what it is lost (or it is earned) in the translation.
You are an incredibly beautiful woman. Would you join me for a drink?
« Icelandic »
Þú ert óákveðinn greinir í ensku ótrúlegur fallegur kona. Vildi þú tengja mig fyrir a drykkur?
You art indefinite article into English unbelievable toothsome woman. Would you connect myself pay lip service to a potion?
A local boy kicked me in the butt last week
« Filipino »
A pampook lalaki sipain ako di ang kulata magtagal linggo
A local masculine kick me in the butt protract week
by AD2353
You just lost the game.
« German »
Sie verloren gerade das Spiel.
They lost the straight play.
Nice shirts like you!