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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
Silly? Shocking? Profound? Click the smiley to vote it up!
I just defecated in my pants. Would you be a dear and help me clean it up?
« Russian »
Я как раз испражнялся в моих кальсонах. Вы были бы дорогим и помогали бы мне очистить его вверх?
I exactly of [isprazhnyalsya] in my drawers. You would be expensive and they would help me to clean him upward?
You look like you can take a mean dick
« Chinese (traditional) »
You look like you to be able to adopt a mean spying
My name is Alice. I am fourteen. I love playing the violin.
« Latin »
Meus nomen est Alice. EGO sum quattuordecim. EGO diligo lascivio ledo.
My name is Spelled. I to be fourteen. I to value highly to run riot strike.
Bits and Pieces. We scour the web so you don’t have to.
« German »
Stücke. Wir reinigen das Netz, also tun Sie nicht müssen.
Pieces. We clean the net, therefore you do not do must.
Climb every mountain follow every stream
« Czech »
Jít do kopce každý hora doprovázet každý proud
Go up the hill whoever mountain accompany whoever stream
Climb every mountain follow every stream
« Welsh »
Chripia 'n bob fynydd canlyn 'n bob ddylifa
I scratch ' heartburn each mountain follow ' heartburn each I flow
Climb every mountain follow every stream
« Latin »
Escendo sulum mons montis insisto sulum profusum
To ascend each mountain to enter upon each to pour forth
Climb every mountain follow every stream
« Italian »
Arrampichi ogni montagna seguono ogni flusso
Every mountain scrambles up follows every flow
Climb every mountain follow every stream
« Japanese »
Rise to all flow which follows to all mountains
i love you
« Welsh »
Cara 'ch
I love ' dogs
Nice shirts like you!