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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the lord my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, I pray the lord my soul to take.
« Icelandic »
Nú ÉG lay mig dúnn til sofa , ÉG biðja the herra minn sál til viðurværi. Ef ÉG öxl deyja áður ÉG vekja , ÉG biðja the herra minn sál til taka.
Today I lay myself fuzz to sleep , I ask the lord my soul to sustenance. Maybe I öxl die theretofore I waken , I ask the lord my soul to take.
by Caroline
A fat buster that really works.
« Icelandic »
A feitur lagsmaður þessi raunverulega verksmiðja.
A well-fed buddy ;l) really works.
by Caroline
This is the dawning of the age of aquarius
« Dutch »
Dit is het dagen van de leeftijd van Waterman
This is summoning the age of water man
Do you feel lucky, punk?
« Danish »
Lave jer beføle heldig punk?
Get you paw happy item?
There is a party in my pants
« Greek »
Υπάρχει ένα συμβαλλόμενο μέρος στα εσώρουχά μου
Exists a contracting part in my underwears
Get laid.
« Japanese »
The profit which is placed do.
I know a bot. Her name is Anna, Anna is her name. And she can ban, ban you so hard. She cleans up in our channel. I wanna tell you, that I know a bot.
« Swedish »
JAG veta en bot. Henne namn är Annalerna , Annalerna är henne namn. Och hon kanna förbud , förbud du så hård. Hon rengöra upp i vår kanal. JAG wanna berätta du , så pass JAG veta en bot.
SELF know a remedy. Hers name is Annals , Annals is hers name. And she can prohibitions , prohibitions yous so harsh. She cleanse up in ours channel. SELF wanna tell yous , that SELF know a remedy.
by Javid
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation under God, indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for all.
« Japanese »
私は米国の旗と意味する共和国に忠誠を誓約する: 神の下の1国家、分割不可能なすべてのための自由そして正義と。
I the American flag loyalty pledge in the republic which means: 1 nations under God, impossible all freedom and justice because of division.
Never gonna give you up. Never gonna let you down. Never gonna run around and desert you. Never gonna make you cry. Never gonna say goodbye. Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you.
« Korean »
당신을 포기하기 위하여 결코 가기. 당신을 실망시키기 위하여 결코 가기. 돌아다니고 당신을 사막화하기 위하여 결코 가기. 당신에게 외침을 하기 위하여 결코 가기. 이별을 말하기 위하여 결코 가기. 사기를 말하고 당신을 아프기 위하여 결코 가기.
In order to abandon you going assuredly. In order to be disappointed you going assuredly. Goes around and you in order to become desert going assuredly. Shouting in you, in order description below going assuredly. In order to say a separation going assuredly. Says a fraud, you in order to be sick going assuredly.
My husband and I went for a brisk walk.
« Hungarian »
Férjem és Mentem részére egy fürge séta.
My husband and I went for one briskle deambulation.
Nice shirts like you!