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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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flow sciences provides powder containment for your active pharmaceutical ingredients
« Icelandic »
rennsli vísindi afla púður innilokunarstefna fyrir þinn virkur lyfjafræðilegur efni
flow science requisition powder containment pay lip service to thy operative pharmacological matter
by hunter
No means no!
« Welsh »
Na moddion na!
I do means I do!
by Mike
I said no!
« Slovenian »
sem rekel ne!
quoth I thingummy!
by Mike
Up, up, and away!
« Czech »
Autobus , autobus , a dost!
Bus , bus , plus pretty well!
Long, long, ago, on a dark and stormy night, a brave beagle decided the time was right to fly his doghouse in an attempt to finally neutralize the dastardly Red Baron.
« Welsh »
Ddyhea , ddyhea , yn ôl , acha dywyllwch a 'n ddrycinog nos a herfeiddia beagle benderfynedig 'r amsera was dde at adeina eiddo doghouse i mewn antur at 'n ddiwethaf neutralize 'r dastardly 'n Goch Arglwydd.
I pant , I pant , according to , astride you darken I go ' heartburn stormy night I go I dare beagle determined ' group I time servant right to I succor his doghouse in attempt to ' heartburn last neutralize ' group dastardly ' heartburn Red Lord.
by Paul in Boca
There are children throwing snowballs Instead of throwing heads They are busy building toys And absolutely no one is dead There is frost on every window Oh, I cannot believe my eyes And in my bones I feel the warmth That is coming from inside
« Korean »
던지는 머리 대신에 눈뭉치를 던져 아이들이 있다 그들은 바쁜 건물 장난감이다 그리고 절대적으로 아무도는 죽다 각 창에 서리가 있다 아, 나는 나의 눈을 믿을 수 없다 그리고 나의 뼈에서 나는 안쪽에서 오고 있는 온정을 느낀다
The head throwing throws the snowball instead of and they who are the children are the busy building toy and anyone goes round absolutely and there is a frost in each window which dies and Oh, the warmth which is come from an internal from the bone there is not and feels a possibility of believing my eye and
You are an incredibly beautiful woman. Would you join me for a drink?
« Danish »
Du er en utroligt smuk kvinde. Ville jer sammenlægge mig nemlig en drik?
You are a incredible good-looking woman. Ville you fold up me that is to say a beverage?
the novelty is wearing off.
« Korean »
참신은 닳아 없어지고 있다.
The originality wears out and is losing.
I fell into a burning ring of fire. I went down, down, down, and the flames went higher.
« Korean »
나는 환태평양 화산대 불타는으로 넘어졌다. 나는, 아래로, 아래로 내려가고, 화염은 높이 갔다.
I fell the annular Pacific Ocean volcano unit burn with. I, in lower part, descended with a lower part, the fire went height.
if you want it, then you should have put a ring on it.
« Danish »
selv om jer savn sig , så er der ikke mere jer burde nyde opstille en ring oven på sig.
even though you needs themselves , that's the lot you ought receive pose a tire after themselves.
Nice shirts like you!