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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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pride is a poor substitute for intelligence
« Japanese »
Pride is the representation whose intelligence is bad
Watching television makes your brain cells rot.
« Serbian »
Promatranje televizija pomoæ za nuždu tvoj mozak æelija truljenje.
Surveillance television makeshift your brain box corruption.
is it as hot in the summer as it is in the country?
« Icelandic »
er það eins og heitur í the sumar eins og það er í the land?
is there as though hot into the summer as though whenas into the land?
I'm a rocket man.
« Latin »
I'm a silicis vir.
I'm a hard stone man.
My boyfriend is a man of sound mind, body and soul.
« Turkish »
benim erkek arkadaþ bkz. be a adam -in saðlam us , beden ve ruh.
my boyfriend bkz. hi a man den sound state of mind , trunk and soul.
the pleasure of your visit is exceeded only by the pleasure of your departure
« Chinese (traditional) »
Your visit pleasure leaves the pleasure by you only to surpass
by kevin mummery
Thou Shall not kill
« Latin »
Sententia Vadum non iuguolo
Sentiment Ford not to cut the throat
Dance your cares away worries for another day let the music play down at fraggle rock
« Icelandic »
Dans þinn blíðuhót burt áhyggjufullur fyrir annar dagur láta the tónlist gera lítið úr á brothættur klettur
Dance thy endearment drive away anxious pay lip service to allo- day put the music do little fara fram úr river fragile rock
Somewhere over the rainbow, bluebirds fly.
« Chinese (simplified) »
Somewhere in rainbow, blue dong flight.
If a chicken and a half lays an egg and a half in a day and a half, how long does it take a monkey with a wooden leg to kick all the seeds out of a dill pickle?
« Icelandic »
Ef a kjúklingur og a helmingur gírskaft óákveðinn greinir í ensku egg og a helmingur í a dagur og a helmingur , hvernig langur hjartarskinn það taka a api með a tréfótur til spark allur the fræsali út af a dill pikkles?
Maybe a chicken and a half layshaft indefinite article into English ridge and a half into a day and a half , how long doeskin there take a monkey with a wooden leg to kick total the seedsman because a wiggle pickle?
Nice shirts like you!