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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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stop in the name of love before you break my heart
« Welsh »
arhosa i mewn 'r enwa chan cara rhagoch dorri 'm asgre
I wait in ' group I name with I love lest break ' ores bosom
what is the point of this crap?
« Finnish »
mikä on näyttää -lta nyt kuluva ulostaa?
what is point from this crap?
It is peanut butter and jelly time.
« Italian »
È tempo del burro e della gelatina di arachide.
It is time of the butter and the gelatin of peanut.
It is not a popularity contest, but it does make sense to fire the least popular because it has the least effect on morale.
« Slovenian »
ono je ne a popularnost prerekanje , šele to does izdelovanje èut v požar najnepomembnejši ljudski zato ker to has najnepomembnejši uèinek naprej morala.
it is thingummy however vogue word , till then this does manufacture sentiment within the devourng element least vulgar wherefore whenas this has least vigour upward morale.
Your father was a hamster, and your mother smelled of elderberries
« Icelandic »
Þinn faðir var a hamstur , og þinn móðir lykta af ylliber
Thy sire var a hamster , and thy mother whiff with elderberry
That sushi tasted like raw fish covered in rice.
« Japanese »
As for the sushi like the raw fish taste doing in the United States which is overturned.
what is the square root of one hundred?
« Latin »
quis est quadratus radix of centum?
anyone is square source of a fleet of a hundred ships?
I am automation nine-thousand, pleased to meet you
« Slovenian »
jaz sem samodejen devet - tisoè , veseli me, da sva se spoznala
it's me self-acting nine thousand , it gives me pleasure , yes indeed sva yourself spoznala
free balling
« Latin »
solvo balling
to loosen siege engine
You are a disgusting pig. I hope you end up as bacon.
« Japanese »
実にいやなブタである。 私はベーコンとして行きつくことを望む。
Well it is the cover truly. I desire the fact that it arrives as a bacon.
Nice shirts like you!