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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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I want to eat a burrito.
« Chinese (simplified) »
I want to eat the surface volume cake.
All I have left is this braided patch of leghair.
« Korean »
나가 남겨둔 모두는 leghair의 이 땋는 헝겊 조각이다.
Goes out and to leave, is a piece of cloth where leghair justice braid.
by Rebecca
Come on, baby, light my fire
« Czech »
Bl�it se , d��tko , bujn� m� hore�ka
Near , baby , wanton has hectic
Come on, baby, light my fire
« Korean »
, 나의 불이 아기에 의하여 자아, 점화한다
The fire ignites in compliance with the baby self,
Yankee Doodle went to town riding on a pony, stuck a feather in his cap, and called it macaroni
« Spanish »
El Doodle del yanqui fue al montar a caballo de la ciudad en un potro, pegó una pluma en su casquillo, y la llamó los macarrones
The Doodle of the Yankee went when mounting straddling the city in a colt, it stuck a pen in its socket, and it called tubular powders
Give me a pound, and I'll give you a beating.
« Bulgarian »
Äàâàì me a ôóíò , è I'll äàâàì òè a îùàñòëèâÿâàì.
Äàâàì me a pound , and I'll äàâàì you a make happy.
do what you want
« Finnish »
ajaa mikä te haluta
drift what you care
I wear my sunglasses at night, so I can, so I can see the light.
« Japanese »
As for me my sunglasses are attached to the body, therefore as for me is possible in the night, therefore as for me it can look at the light/write.
by Rebecca Box
I never could get the hang of Thursdays
« Chinese (simplified) »
My impossible academic society Thursday
Does God love me?
« Hungarian »
Csinál Isten szeress?
Make God love me?
Nice shirts like you!