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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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One massive cockup after another.
« Norwegian »
Ettall svær hannfuglen etter det andre.
One husky hannfuglen after another.
Who let the dogs out?
« Chinese (simplified) »
Who bleeds off the dog?
I don't think you're ready for this jelly.
« Icelandic »
ÉG don't hugsa you're tilbúinn fyrir this hlaup.
I don't think you're ready pay lip service to this running.
Believe in me who believes in you
« Chinese (traditional) »
Trust your I
Hit me, Baby, one more time.
« Danish »
Slå mig , Baby , nok en gang.
Whang me , Baby , another walk.
Hit me, Baby, one more time.
« Icelandic »
Högg mig , Barn , einn fleiri tími.
Blow myself Barn , single further while.
IT was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way--in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.
« Korean »
저희의 앞에 저희의 앞에 시간의 베스트, 그것이시간의 가장, 그것이었다 지혜, 그것의 나이이었다 어리석음, 그것의 나이이었다 신념, 그것의 신기원이었다 의심 많음, 그것의 신기원이었다 빛, 그것의 절기이었다 암흑, 그것의 절기이었다 희망, 그것의 봄이었다 절망의 겨울, 우리 있었다 모두가, 우리 있었다 아무것도, 우리이었다 천국에 직접적 가는 모두, 우리이었다 가는 모두 지시한다 다른 방법을 아니었다--한마디로 말하면, 기간은 몇몇이의 그것의 가장 시끄러운 권위, 좋았던 또는 비교 전용의 최상급에서 악을 위해 받아지는, 그것을 주장한 존재하는 기간 같이 이제까지는 이었다.
On the front of us the best of time, is it on the front of us and the wisdom which it most, is, the [e] three sound which is it age, the belief which is it age, is it new epoch incredulity, the hope which is darkness which is a light which is it new epoch and it seasonal datum and it seasonal datum, winter of the despair which is it spring, us was and all, us anything which is, a different method directness goes to the heaven which is we all, was we and goes all instructs was not--Said with a single word, duration some different meaning it the noisiest authority, was good and or respected comes to receive, asserted it like the duration when exists until now was an evil from the highest grade of the comparative whole aspect.
I'm a shooting star leaping through the sky Like a tiger defying the laws of gravity I'm a racing car passing by like Lady Godiva I'm gonna go go go there's no stopping me
« Slovenian »
I'm zvezdni utrinek poskok skozi nebo všeè biti a tiger defying laws od teža I'm a dirkalni avto prehoden z všeè biti dama Godiva I'm gonna teèi teèi teèi torej ne ustavitev mi
I'm shooting-star spring throughout upper regions like however tiger defying laws with weight I'm however racing car walkable Z like lady To ripen I'm gonna trickle trickle trickle to conclude thingummy stopping we
necessity is the mother of invention
« Turkish »
zorluk bkz. be belgili tanýmlýk ana -in uydurmasyon
difficulty bkz. hi the mother den invention
shut your goddamned trap
« Korean »
당신의 goddamned 함정을 닫으십시오
Close your goddamned warships
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