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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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Where have all the good times gone?
« Korean »
모든 좋은 시간은 어디로 갔는가?
All did the good time go with where?
by Corn Flaake
blubbering idiot
« Serbian »
salo idiot
fat natural
marital infidelity
« Filipino »
kawal ng hukbong-dagat kataksilan
soldier of military - sea treachery
marital infidelity
« Welsh »
marital anffyddiaeth
harden oneself infidelity
slap shot
« Latin »
plaga offa
plague lump
slap shot
« Slovenian »
plosk strel
splosh sling
slap shot
« French »
projectile de claque
projectile of opera hat
China Syndrome
« Russian »
Синдром Кита
Syndrome of the whale
Please do not kill me.
« Serbian »
Ugoditi ne ubiti mene.
Please do not gruel me.
Please do not kill me.
« Spanish »
No me mate por favor.
Not me mate please.
Nice shirts like you!