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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
Silly? Shocking? Profound? Click the smiley to vote it up!
You and I should hook up.
« Greek »
Εσείς και πρέπει να γαντζώσω επάνω.
You and it should [gantzoso] above.
hot pants are for women
« Korean »
핫 팬츠는 여자를 위해 이다
The hot fan [chu] respects the woman
dont grumble, show your apple crumble
« Japanese »
Dissatisfaction it does not have to be, the fragment of your apple does not have to be shown,
I am going to go bathe now.
« Croatian »
Ja æu iæi kupanje na otvorenom zatim.
I am going to leg bathe hereupon.
the chip on the counter looks very scrumptious.
« Slovenian »
odkrušek naprej nasproten pogled zelo slasten.
fraction upward reversely way out widely toothsome.
The cake is a lie!
« Latin »
laganum est a recubo!
a cake is a to recline!
She's my best friend's girl.
« Czech »
On má má nejlépe druh dìvèe.
She's has best species wench.
Where is the beef?
« Japanese »
As for the beef it is somewhere?
by Corn Flaake
She's my best friend's girl.
« Icelandic »
She's minn bestur vinur stúlka.
She's my best amigo difficulties.
What would you do if I sang out of tune? Would you stand up and walk out on me?
« Korean »
당신은 무엇을 나가 곡에서 노래한 경우에 할는가? 당신은 서고 저에 밖으로 걸을는가 것입니다?
You will go out what and song grudge will do in case from music? You stand and in me will walk is the thing at the outside?
by Corn Flaake
Nice shirts like you!