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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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All your base are belong to us!
« Slovenian »
vsi vaš osnova ste belong rabiti!
young and old yours theme are whitely utilize!
Dont upset me!
« German »
Kippen Sie mich nicht um!
Do not tilt me!
yohoho and a bottle of rum
« Latin »
yohoho quod a solum of rum
yohoho and a land of rum
die the hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villian
« Norwegian »
dø helten eller bo lang nok å se du selv bli det landsby
die hero or live high enough to see yourself become facts village
john keys
« Serbian »
zahod tipke
lavatory key
by Taryn
Can we get it on like donky kong?
« French »
Pouvons-nous le réussir comme le kong donky ?
Can we make a success of it like the kong donky?
by Taryn
Become the person you want to be.
« Japanese »
The person whom you think that would like to be you, becomes.
I cannot lie
« Danish »
JEG kan ikke ligge
I cant come
And malt does more than Milton can To justify the ways of God to man
« Latin »
Quod malt does praeter Milton can Ut purgo mores of Deus lanio
And malt does past Milton can When to clean morium of God to mangle
Cock it and pull it.
« Danish »
Handyr sig og hale sig.
Cock themselves and fanny themselves.
Nice shirts like you!