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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
Silly? Shocking? Profound? Click the smiley to vote it up!
The stupid guy who has very large ears is stalking you. Watch Out!
« Norwegian »
Det dum fyr hvem har meget stor ører er stalking du. Holde utkikk etter!
Facts crazily a chap who has a lot of bumper ears am stalking you. Watch for!
There's a vampire behind me and bit me and gave me a penny in exchange for my blood.
« Norwegian »
Det er en vampire bak meg og bit meg og ga meg en penny inne bytte for meg blod.
It is a vampire at the back my and bit my and donated my a pencil in booty for my blood.
all good things must end
« Japanese »
You must end the fact that everything is good
The freaking tooth fairy scared me and gave me a nickel, she also told me that I stay away from Santa
« Norwegian »
Det avvikende tann alv skremt meg og ga meg en skår , hun likeledes sa meg det JEG utebli fra Santa
Facts aberrant tooth elf frightened my and donated my a chip , she also said my facts I stay away at True
Jesus Loves You
« Icelandic »
Jesús Ástsjúkur Þú
Man of Galilee Lovesick You
Jesus Loves You
« Welsh »
Iesu Anwyliannau 'ch
Jesus Loves ' dogs
Im going to make this pencil disappear!
« Czech »
Im existující až k délat tato kreslit zmizet!
Im subsistent to make this pencil scram!
Aphrodite is really beautiful, that's what they say.
« Icelandic »
Afródíta er raunverulega fallegur , þessi hvaða þeir segja.
Aphrodite is really toothsome , ;l) ;fn) they say.
Im going to make this pencil disappear!
« Japanese »
Im which makes this pencil go out and goes!
« Chinese (simplified) »
Oh, the snake god, runs your life
Nice shirts like you!