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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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Obama rocks! he rules! he is the man! He cares about us!
« Portuguese »
Rochas de Obama! governa! é o homem! Importa-se connosco!
Rocks of Obama! it governs! he is the man! Connosco is imported!
go fuck yourself
« Icelandic »
fara ríða sjálfur
go screw thyself
George W. Bush is the "best" president in America's freaking history
« Hungarian »
György W. Bokor van a " legjobb " elnök -ban Amerika furcsa történelem
George W. Bush there is the " prime " president ban America strange history
God rocks
« Croatian »
Bog hrid
Maker scar
by Whizkid103
God rocks
« Korean »
신은 흔든다
Puts on and shakes
by Whizkid103
go fuck yourself
« French »
disparaissent la baise vous-même
disappear kisses it yourself
I like to watch Lara Croft
« Latin »
EGO amo ut vigilo Lara Croft
I to love when to be awake Lara Croft
by Whizkid103
Britney Spears and Michael Jackson should be together forever and ever?
« Hungarian »
Britney Dárdázik és Mihály Alsó legyen együtt örökre és valaha?
British Spears and Michael Lower should be together forever and sometime?
Hilter sucks balls
« Turkish »
deste emmek taþaklar
handle suck bollocks
by Whizkid103
Humans are making mistakes, Gods do not.
« German »
Menschen machen Fehler, Götter tun nicht.
Humans do not make error, Gods do.
Nice shirts like you!