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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
Silly? Shocking? Profound? Click the smiley to vote it up!
Obama rocks! he rules! he is the man! He cares about us
« Portuguese »
Rochas de Obama! governa! é o homem! Importa-se connosco
Rocks of Obama! it governs! he is the man! Connosco is imported
the internet is a series of tubes
« Dutch »
Internet is een reeks buizen
Internet is a range fails
the internet is a series of tubes
« Russian »
интернет серия пробок
the Internet is a series of the plugs
Beware of the vampires in his backyard, you might become a fucking one too
« Danish »
Passe på den vampires i hans baggård , jer måtte blive en fucking sig ligeledes
Apply the vampires to his slum , you be at liberty to become a fucking themselves item
Introducing.. the amazing chinese diet tea
« Icelandic »
kynna the furðulegur Kínverji megrunarkúr te
present the marvellous Firecracker diet te
We drank a gat with two armed men in my grandmother's gaf. That's the job!
« Icelandic »
Við drank a gat með tveir vopnaður mannskapur í minn amma gaf. Þessi the starf!
Accustom drank a opening with two carrying labour force into my grandmother gaf.;l) the work!
Hi, welcome to my wooden fortification!
« Japanese »
Today, welcome to strengthening my wood!
by Mitch
Do not play with yellow snow!
« Korean »
노란 눈으로 놀지 말라!
Does not play with the yellow eye!
there probably isnt a God, so stop worrying and enjoy your life.
« Spanish »
no hay dios, así que parada preocupándose y no disfruta probablemente de su vida.
there is no God, so stopped worrying and it probably does not enjoy its life.
there probably isnt a God, so stop worrying and enjoy your life.
« German »
es vermutlich gibt nicht einen sorgenden Gott, also Anschlag und genießt Ihr Leben.
there is probably not a ensuring God, thus attack and enjoys your life.
Nice shirts like you!