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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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I want to have sex with a supermodel
« Japanese »
I think that we would like to possess the characteristic where the super model has been attached
Elementary, my dear Watson
« Japanese »
The Watson basis which becomes my love
smoke on the water, fire in the sky
« Norwegian »
smoke på vann , gi avskjed på himmelen
smoke at lake , afford fire him at blue
a moose once bit my sister
« Czech »
jeden los druhdy dát udidlo má sestra
a ticket sometimes bit has sister
a moose once bit my sister
« Korean »
큰사슴은 한 번 나의 자매를 물었다
Asked the sisters one of wapiti
I have got big boobs
« Chinese (simplified) »
I have the big idiot
hail to the king baby
« Hungarian »
zúdít -hoz király baba
streams yield king poppet
hail to the king baby
« Croatian »
krupal to kralj dijete
hail this throne youngster
My breasts are out of this world.
« Croatian »
Moj prsa jesu vanjska strana ovozemaljski.
My bust are surface of this world.
Bite my shiny metal ass
« Japanese »
Bite the donkey of the metal which has my gloss
Nice shirts like you!