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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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fluffy bunny
« Russian »
пушистый зайчик
the downy sunbeam reflection
Take me to your leader!
« Czech »
Brát mne až k tvùj hlavní pøedmìt obchodu!
Nibble me to yours leader!
fluffy bunny
« Korean »
푹신한 토끼
Thoroughly the Shinhan rabbit
Take me to your leader!
« Japanese »
Keep accompanying me in your leader!
Take me to your leader!
« Italian »
Prendalo al vostro capo!
It takes it to your head!
To be or not to be that is the question.
« Japanese »
Because of a certain or because it is not, it is question.
Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its five year mission: to explore strange worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations. To boldy go where no man has gone before.
« Turkish »
yer , belgili tanýmlýk sonda gelen sinir. bunlar are belgili tanýmlýk seyahat -in belgili tanýmlýk starship giriþim. onun beþ yýl misyon : -e doðru keþfe çýkmak tuhaf dünya , -e doðru aramak dýþarý yeni hayat ve yeni uygarlýk. -e doðru cesur gitmek nereye hayýr adam bkz. have gone önce.
earth , the final sinew. these are the journey den the starship enterprise. his five year mission : had straight explore uncommon world , had straight seek outside new life and new civilization. had straight bold go to whither good man bkz. have gone in front.
by Trey Greyjoy
Me am Bizarro Superman! Me am say hello when leaving and goodbye when coming!
« Norwegian »
Meg er Bisarr Fortreffelig! Meg er si god dag når innlevering og adjø når komme!
My am Bizarre Admirable! My am say good morning as delivery and goodbye as advent!
treat others as you would like to be treated
« Latin »
tracto alius ut vos would amo futurus tracto
to drag other when you would to love to be to drag
Murderous intents are hard to come by these days.
« Norwegian »
Mord overlegg er hard å komme til i disse dager.
Murder intent am hard to accessing these days.
Nice shirts like you!