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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
Silly? Shocking? Profound? Click the smiley to vote it up!
Go to hell say hello to my little friend
« Korean »
나가 뒈져라 나의 작은 친구에게 안부를 전하십시오
Go out and drop dead in the small friend the welfare convey
Steak. It's what's for dinner.
« Icelandic »
steik It's hvaða fyrir miðdegisverður.
steak It's ;fn) pay lip service to luncheon.
want to fuck
« French »
voulez baiser
please kiss
sad cows have poor sex
« Japanese »
There is a characteristic which is bad to the sad cow
fuck you all
« Japanese »
Have sexual intercourse entirely
I see said the blind man, to the deaf man talking on the telephone.
« Korean »
나는 전화 중 말해 귀머거리 남자에게 말했다 장님을, 본다.
I while transforming see the market which says to the saying deaf person man.
holy crap it is crapman batman
« Croatian »
svet isprdak posrijedi je isprdak posilni
holy crap the case is crap batman
by chelsea
May the force be with you.
« German »
Mai ist die Kraft mit Ihnen.
May is Kraft with you.
One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish.
« Czech »
Jeden kus døeva , dva kus døeva , èerveò kus døeva , konzervativní kus døeva.
A piece woods , two piece woods , scarlet piece woods , Tory fish.
Go fuck yourself
« Croatian »
Iæi karati se
Leg fuck
Nice shirts like you!